Biomass boilers are manufactured in the embodiment of the type of fuel burned (plant biomass-straw, hay, etc.. or biomass wood origin-chips sawdust). The first variant is a new, completely unique boiler construction, allowing to burn whole bales of plant biomass without the need of cutting the bales before burning. These types of boilers are used mainly in the agricultural field, where it burns hay harvested from permanent grassland and pastures. In the second variant, the boiler burning wood waste such as wood chips, a mixture of sawdust and wood shavings, bark, shavings, peat and others.
The produce boilers at a capacity ranging from 100 to 6250 kW. The most suitable source for biomass with regard to the transport of the fuel to 10 MW (2x 5 MW). All boilers, which we offer, could be as hot water, steam or hot-air and can be used for both heat and electricity.